Harvest For Hunger Food Drive
One in seven in our area are at risk of hunger. In an effort to combat the issue of hunger in our area, we are asking you to join us in combining resources for hunger relief by participating in the 2014 Harvest for Hunger campaign. This spring, the Akron-Canton Regional Foodbank will host the 23rd annual Harvest for Hunger campaign.
Harvest for Hunger is a partnership between local food banks that serve 21 counties in Ohio. This collaboration represents one of the largest food and funds drives in the country and is also the Foodbank’s largest fundraising campaign, which helps support food distribution all year long.
Our office will have a collection bin in the waiting room from February 24-April 15th. Our goal is to collect 40 pounds of food. Please help us reach our goal by contributing the SUPER SIX most needed food items:
boxed cereal
peanut butter
canned tuna
canned vegetables
canned beef stew
canned soup
However, any and all canned/boxed food is appreciated.
Questions??? Give us a call (330)928-3420.