Weight Loss Testimonials
Jay's Story
Today is a major milestone day! I’ve reached my original goal weight in 38% of my expected timeline. Since July 1 (it's now October 13), of this year, I’ve lost very close to 60 pounds. It’s all attributable to Pam Levinson’s guidance. Maybe a little diligence too.
Pam guided me through this exercise in the first four weeks, including answering questions when things didn’t seem right or didn’t feel right. She was very supportive throughout. I honestly don’t think I would’ve done this without her.
Maybe as important as losing weight, I’ve learned a great deal. I have learned that my eating was mostly habitual. What I’ve learned has developed, lifelong healthy habits. I highly recommend starting and finishing this program.

Tami's Story:
I lost -60 libs!! 24” inches over all. The most in my waist of 8”. Arms -2” , thighs -3”, chest -5”, hips -6”.
I went from a size 12 in bottoms to a size 4 since Jan 10 of this year (May 9th today).
No pills no nasty stuff to drink. Did not exercise either. I tried everything and nothing worked...
2 yrs ago this pix was taken (on the left). Started beginning of this year to get weight off and I quit with excuses and putting junk in my body. I hope I can inspire anyone that wants to lose weight. It is life changing for sure. Many health benefits and mind changing.
Lisa S's Story:
I had almost 40 lbs to lose when I met with Pam for the first time. I had tried multiple diets in the past and always struggled to lose and maintain. I felt like all I did was obsess over what I was going to eat, counting points, or counting calories! I was too busy with job and life to stick with that kind of program for long. I had a friend who told me he and his wife had been successful on Pam’s program and had never felt better. Knowing they were social people at my stage of life, I decided to check it out!
I lost 9 lbs in the first week and though it took lots of will power to get through the first 7 days, the results were more than motivating! I used the apps she suggested to track my fasts and weight and looked forward to seeing the pounds fall off! Yes, my family thought I was crazy at first!! But there’s no arguing with the results!! I felt so much better!! My knees stopped hurting, I slept like a baby, I felt like my head was clearer!! My hot flashes went away! And I dropped the 40 lbs!!
It’s been over a year since I started this way of eating. I’ve learned how to have “vacations” from the plan and how to get back on track. My family doesn’t think twice when I talk about “eating days” and I got through COVID without losing my waistline. I learned a lot about myself through fasting! I have more will power than I thought and know I can set my mind to do something and see it through. I’m proud of my accomplishment, love my new wardrobe, and the confidence I’ve gained over this last year! Thanks Pam!!

Chrissy B.'s Story:
“June 13, 2022 I took back control of my health thanks to you Pam! After a knee injury sidelined me for several months I was lost and put on some serious weight. It felt like nothing I did was getting rid of the weight until I started working with you. The weight melted off by following the plan! When I thought I couldn’t do it, I kept telling myself I could and to keep going. It took 4 1/2 months and I lost 50lbs and am never going back! Thank you so much for all you have taught me!”

Raquel's Story:
Once and awhile something comes into your life that changes your life forever! That is what Pam's program has done for me, changed my life completely and totally!
I have been living this life style now for 2 1/2 years. Not going to lie when Pam first told me what I would have to do fast for 48 hours I was like no way I can do that! I was scared and nervous. I had bought into the lie of eating every 2-3 hours, six small meals a day was my way of life. I got a headache if I did not eat, I would be starving myself. Since I was 16, I have exercised almost every day. In my adult life I had tried so many different weight loss programs and even pills!
I was over 50 years old and had given up on losing and maintaining weight loss. Then I met with Pam and I just took a leap of faith and started fasting. It has not always been easy, there have been some very hard days, but I have made it, with Pam's guidance and motivation!
I have far surpassed what I thought my goal weight or my size clothing would be. My goal weight was 136 my size clothing was to be able to wear a size 8 comfortably, Now I weigh 122 and wear a size 2! I am in maintenance mode now and I only eat one meal a day. It makes my life so easy, everyday I know what time I will be eating. I will NEVER gain my weight back because Pam has given me the tools I need for life long health. I can never say thank you enough for changing my life!
Carrie T's Story:
I wanted to let you know how thrilled I am with your weight loss program. Somehow my 5’3” body worked it’s way up to more than 150 lbs. I worked out hard. Ran 2 to 3 miles then worked out with weights and never lost any weight. Fasting worked in an amazing way. I can’t believe how well this plan worked. When you put your mind to it and stick to the plan - the pounds literally melt off. But what I really couldn’t believe is how my body changed. At 54 yrs old I felt like no matter how much I worked my upper body- I couldn’t get my arms and shoulders to look like they used to. Your weight loss plan even helped me with that!
It’s also easy to maintain. I had a few pounds creep back on but in 10 to 14 days I was able to get it back off.
Jenn B's Story:
A friend of mine referred me to go see Pam; “because this fasting program is amazing!” I thought she was nuts- and it took some convincing and some deep thinking on my part.
I had just turned 40, and had been working out at Orangetheory for over 2 years, but not much was happening in the weight loss department. Having struggled with my weight my entire life, from childhood to now, I was looking for someone to tell me what to do! I had success on weight watchers at different points in my life, but didn’t feel like this was the answer- I felt like there was something bigger that I needed. Pam’s program was the answer! Finding out that I was insulin resistant was the something I was looking for- and Pam’s program gave me the tools and instruction that I needed...(and support, and motivation etc).
I strictly followed the 48 hour fasting plan for 4 weeks, and lost 35 pounds and 34 inches. At that time I decided to continue my journey by doing 16 hour fasts and follow the maintenance food plan and in another 4 months was down a total of 50 pounds and 50 Inches. I’ve never felt better- during the 48’s and now. Seeing results literally every day during the 48’s was mind blowing. It’s a very easy plan to follow; you just have to prepare and organize yourself and your mind. I still check the forum daily for Pam’s motivational and informational posts. I could not recommend doing something more than this!
Kim W's Story:
Last September I stopped doing the program...Lord knows why! I had my physical back on 9/21/2020.
After my terrible blood work results I jumped back into the program last October.
I just received my blood work from this March 2021 physical and I had a significant change in just 6 months.
My DLDL Total Cholesterol went from 165.0 back in Sept to 99.0 (back to the normal range) this March! My Primary Doctor's exact words were " I have not seen a significant drop in total cholesterol like this unless it was with a statin!
All of the rest of my blood work was perfect and she and I couldn't be happier!
Fasting! Great for your health with a side of weight loss!!
Donna K's Story:
I was referred to LFC Weight Loss at a particularly low point. I had just spent the entire summer riding my bicycle 4-6 days a week while significantly cutting fat and calories, all to net about 15 lbs. lost. And it didn’t feel like an accomplishment. I was tired and hungry all the time. After a photo session with my daughter for her senior homecoming, I had to come to terms with how I really looked, and I was just sad about it all.
After my initial meeting with Dr Levinson, I decided to commit on the spot. I’d done virtually every other plan to come down the pike, so why not try this one, too. Results began within days. The weight loss was steady with only occasional short-term plateaus. There are several techniques to break through those. It was quite gratifying to achieve steady losses and enjoy the process. Not eating is easier than making so many complicated food choices several times a day. And re-feeding is truly delicious -- no sacrifice there!
The weight loss was fantastic, of course; however, the other results were unexpected and so wonderful! Within two weeks, I had lost 15 lbs. Within three weeks, the pain in my knees was greatly diminished. After a month, my hips and knees were both pain free, and the joint pain and swelling in my hands was gone as well. My energy level improved dramatically, and I was sleeping great. All of the non-scale victories made the weight loss almost secondary. Almost.
Perhaps the best results, for me, was about five months after starting, my chronic and painful rosacea that I had been treating with an expensive pharmaceutical cream was completely resolved. That was a condition the dermatologist told me that I’d have for the rest of my life and that it could only be managed, not cured. Without the chronic inflammation, my face really changed.
After losing about 90 lbs overall, maintaining the loss has been natural. Eliminating sugar and simple carbs is the key. I fast one day a week to keep up the practice, and add more days if I start to see my weight creep. This is something I can do for the rest of my life. I feel better now than I felt 20 years ago!
JB's Story:
I’ve been following the program for a little over a week now. My starting weight was 168.7 and I’m already down 9.5 lbs! Dr. Levinson has been a great coach, and I feel like this is actually something I can do that yields quick results. My goal weight is 130, but of course just being healthier is what I’m looking forward to. Seriously, I know everyone always says this, but if I can do this, YOU can do this!
AS's Story:
I have been using this program for less than two months and have already lost 17 pounds! As I get older, it has gotten harder to lose weight. Diets that used to work simply stopped working for me. On my last diet, I was watching every calorie, and still managed to put on weight every week! Dr. Levinson has been a great coach, cheerleader, and source of information. I look good and feel amazing! I can't say enough about this program and the continued results!
Karie F's Story:
I started with you at 213 lbs! It's only been 2 weeks and I am 196... going strong! Also started trail walking yesterday. Can't wait to see where I am in the future. 😁 I will NEVER hit over 200 ever again. Well I hope lol
Nick S's Story:
As I write this, it’s hard to believe that I’m 79.6 pounds down from July of last year when my wife & I started this program and truly changed our lives. The best thing about the fasting program is, it’s not a diet, it’s a lifestyle change. If you truly WANT to make a good decision for the future of your health, you CAN do it...ANYONE can do it. When someone says, oh...I couldn’t do that, it’s because they don’t WANT to, and guess what, that’s ok!
As I said, this program is not a diet. Sure, it matters what you eat when you do eat, but is it really surprising to anyone that we shouldn’t be loading our bodies up with pizza, cookies, & beer? The other great thing about the program is not only can you see IMMEDIATE results if you’re doing things right, but it’s SUSTAINABLE, because again this isn’t a diet, it’s a lifestyle change. If you want to enjoy some pizza, cookies, or beer — in moderation of course — you can, as long as you have the discipline to hit the reset button to “clean” yourself out.
The final great thing about this program that cannot go unmentioned is Pam. Her support, education, and constant availability made success so much easier to attain.
I’ll finish with encouraging words for others. Always maintain a clear vision of what your goals are and why you’ve decided to change your life. You CAN do this if you truly WANT to. I am so thankful that my wife & I were introduced to this program. It has truly changed our lives, and we both know that YEARS have been added to our lives.
Are you finally ready to commit to changing your life to feel better and live healthier, now and for the rest of your life? Call our office today to schedule with Dr. Levinson (330) 414-2760.